We would love to hear from you!
For general inquiries, email longviewfarmpta@gmail.com
To reach the PTA Treasurer, email lfeptatreasurer@gmail.com
LFE PTA Facebook Guidelines:
To provide pertinent information to parents, teachers and families that aligns with Longview Farm Elementary (LFE) PTA’s standards and policies.
To promote LFE PTA, LFE, and LSR7 activities, events and fundraisers.
To increase membership and participation.
To connect and communicate with parents and teachers.
To share information and tips.
To showcase the achievements of students, teachers, and staff at LFE.
Administrative access:
The LFE PTA President and Corresponding Secretary will have administrative access and are responsible for posting and moderating content.
Business Advertising:
Business members will have their business website posted twice a year, per the business member benefits list.
Advertising for business members or any other business is not allowed, unless it is in conjunction with an LFE or LFE PTA event or fundraiser.
Participant Conduct:
● We encourage you to ask questions and share information. We request that you keep discussions focused directly concerning our school community.
● We encourage posts that highlight our community’s accomplishments and constructively raise issues for discussion.
● When posting, please use appropriate language.
● If you choose, you can post photos of your children at school events. Do not post photos of other children. If you have any questions about posting a particular photo, please check with the Facebook page administrator.
● Do not post about concerns, problems, or conflicts with individual teachers, administrators, students, or parents. We will immediately delete posts that in any way put down or discriminate against individuals.
● Online threats will be taken seriously, and proper authorities will be immediately notified.
● Do not post information commonly understood as confidential, such as student grades.
● Any inflammatory statements that make allegations against individuals or organizations will be deleted.
● Keep in mind what you post is public
● Do not publish content as your own that has been created by others.